The Best Exercises To Help Burn Belly Fat

Instead of resorting to harsh methods to lose weight like starving yourself, you can chose a much more effective way like for example incorporating an exercise routine. As you may already know, exercise is one of the best ways to get rid of extra fat in your body. You cannot expect to get rid of all the extra fat in your body if you do not stick to the right nutrition. Even when in comes to exercise, you need to ensure that you have chosen the best exercise that will effectively help you lose belly fat.

Why exercise is so important

It's important to understand that exercise plays a big role in weight loss. This is because when you exercise your body is kept busy and you are continuously burning calories. If you are able to burn more calories than you are consuming you will maintain a good balance in your body. Below are some of the best exercises you can do to help burn fat around the belly or abdominal area.

Here are the top 3 exercises to burn belly fat

All these exercises are simple and easy to perform. You do not require any specialized gym equipment in order to perform these exercises. Some of the best exercises to lose belly fat are:

1. Ride a bicycle. First you will need to get a hold of a bicycle. Riding a bike can help you lose a lot of weight and also double as a great and fun way to exercise. Riding a bicycle will also help you build six pack muscles as it works not only the legs but also the core abdominal muscles. The peddling muscle movement and the process of bending your body will help to burn calories. A stationary bike is also good if you prefer staying indoors. If you have the budget for it then sign up for a RPM class.

2. Another good exercise to burn belly fat is the ball crunch. A ball crunch is basically doing a sit up but lying on the ball. This exercise will also help you to stabilize your core and strengthen your abdominal muscles. Cross our arms over your chest or place them behind your neck for support (if you find that your necks starts to hurt). Then lift your shoulders up but contract your abs and keep the ball stable. Repeat this for at least 10 times if you can and do three repetitions of ten. If you can't then just work towards 10 at your own pace.

3. Pick a sport, any sport! By choosing a sport that you like you'll not only burn calories but will have a lot of fun. Commit yourself to a sport or sports and make sure you do it regularly. There's no point in going all out for a month and then not continuing it ever. Any form of movement will burn calories so pick up a sport and stick to it.

Can't lose that stubborn belly fat?

I know how hard it can be and it's not going to be easy but if you really want to lose that unslightly belly fat then you'll need to learn some proven methods that work extremely well.

You can read about these methods here: Foods to lose belly fat []

Don't give up hope, it's NOT impossible. Learn more way to help lose belly fat [] by clicking the link.

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Reduce Excess Abdominal Fat - 4 Common Spices To Lose Belly Fat Fast

Beginning from this month, get ready to reduce excess abdominal fat from your body with 4 common spices that have being research-proven to lose belly fat fast instead of wasting your money on diet pills or weight loss pills.

You may not be aware, but it is important you know that diet or weight loss pills depending on the type and the ingredients used to make them can cause heart problems, high blood pressure, liver problems, organ damage, headaches, nausea, increased heart rate, anxiety, restlessness, breathing problems, stomach problems and addiction to the pills or supplements. There is no substitute for healthy eating and regular physical activity when it comes to reducing stomach fat and losing weight.

To reduce excess abdominal fat, regain your inner natural balance, lose belly fat and be in the best shape of your life, it is important that you know the 4 common spices that can help you get a flat stomach, improve your brain function and naturally lower bad cholesterol.

Here are the 4 common spices that can help you to reduce excess abdominal fat without rigorous exercises:

Ginseng: Adding ginseng to your food daily will help to reduce your blood-sugar levels. Reduction of blood sugar leads to the production of less insulin - the hormone that tells your body to store fat especially around your stomach region.
Cinnamon: Studies have shown that cinnamon can reduce the risk of diabetes and lower bad cholesterol. If you want to lose belly fat naturally, learn to add some quantity of cinnamon on your breakfast cereal or toast in the morning. You can also add 2 teaspoons or two cinnamon sticks in a cup of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes, sieve and drink as tea. You can drink this tea first thing in the morning and before you go to bed at night.
Cayenne Pepper: Several studies have shown that Cayenne pepper is the best natural spice for losing weight and belly fat. Cayenne pepper aids in increasing your body's metabolism. Adding cayenne on a regular daily basis to your meal can boost your metabolism by 30% to burn of excess abdominal fat. It is also known to reduce appetite and beneficial to the heart.
Ginger: It helps to increase the rate of metabolism thus helping to burn fat and reduce stomach fat. It increases the pH of stomach acid, reducing its acidity, lowering the rate of gastric secretions, and increasing digestive enzyme activity.Nobody is telling you to use these 4 common spices alone to help you lose weight. You only need to practice adding the spices to your everyday healthy meals to give your body the extra boost to reduce excess abdominal fat and ward off harmful diseases associated with tummy fat.

Remember, diet and weight loss pills are dangerous to your health. It is safer and wiser to reduce excess abdominal fat by using a well researched program that will help you lose weight, regain your natural inner balance and look younger. Click here now to visit this helpful site that will show you the best ways to lose belly fat fast.

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Quickest Way To Lose Belly Fat Guaranteed

If you've been looking for the ultimate quickest way to lose belly fat, then this article is for you. I'm going to show you 3 super secret and brain-dead easy tricks that are guaranteed to help you start losing abdominal fat IMMEDIATELY!

For me weight didn't really become an issue until my mid-twenties when my sedentary lifestyle and poor dietary habits landed me in a 270 lb. fat suit complete with two double chins and thighs that constantly rubbed together (causing painful irritation).

Then, to make matters worse, my girlfriend left me (she wasn't attracted anymore). This resulted in me falling into a deep depression (and I got even fatter).

After a year or so burying my pain under mountains of greasy snacks I decided to get up off my duff and get my body back into shape.

And I tried everything... from reading muscle magazines, to giving up cheese, soda and desserts, to buying an ab machine I saw advertised on late night television.

And the truth is that each of these things did help, a little bit.

I mean seriously, if you count calories and exercise regularly you are pretty much guaranteed to drop SOME of your weight.

But, and it's a big BUT...This can be an extremely slow and agonizing process.

I should know, I've been there , done that, and I've got the t-shirt to prove it!

Luckily however, I was able to speed up my gains significantly when I found out the quickest way to lose belly fat, and not to toot my own horn but these days I basically look like a fitness model!

Here's the quick and dirty version of how I did it:

1) I stopped killing myself in the gym
I always thought that if I busted my hump doing hard-core cardio sessions that I would lose the weight. And, I tried and tried but it never really did me any good. In fact I would just end up exhausted and starving. Now I just lift weights for 40 minutes at a time and forget about cardio all together!

2)I accepted the fact that "spot reduction" is a complete myth
Complete myth! I used to do 100-200 crunches every time I went to the gym, and y'know what, my abs were nowhere in sight! It wasn't until I started working out the RIGHT way that I was able to melt off my gut and see the abs underneath (they had been there all along!)

3) I discovered small dietary tweaks to pay HUGE dividends
When I tried to be a vegetarian I got FATTER. When I tried the Atkin's diet I felt like complete crap and all that meat gave me terrible acne. But, when I made minor tweaks like cutting out processed white flour products, and eating a handful of raw almonds before each meal I started losing lbs. at an ALARMING rate.

This next part is extremely important, so pay attention:

Ever since I dropped my weight, I've been telling everybody about this awesome system - As far as I'm concerned it's the absolute quickest way to lose belly fat

Click Here and watch the fat melt right off of you!

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Eat These Vegetables to Help You Lose Abdominal Fat

That title sounds crazy, right? But it is true. There are specific vegetables that will actually help stimulate the burning of belly fat.

One thing that most people do not realize is that there are certain chemicals found all around us, such as pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals that have an estrogenic effect on our bodies. This chemical can increase belly fat by inducing the body to store fat. And just because it is an estrogen, doesn't mean that women are out of the woods. Too much estrogen is bad for both men and women.

These chemicals mentioned above are called xenoestrogens. You are exposed to them daily in sources like your water supply and food supply. These estrogen compounds are often fed to chicken and cattle to increase meat, egg and dairy production. They can even be found in your hair care and cosmetic products. Today's problem is that, even if you live in a low pollution area and eat an organic diet, it is highly likely that you are getting at least some exposure to xenoestrogens. We live in an age of excessive estrogen stimulation and these xenoestrogens are actually sabotaging your weight loss efforts.

Xenoestrogens have even been linked to many health disorders as well. Uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, breast cancer and cervical cancer (among others) have all been linked to xenoestrogens.

What can you do to fight against these xenoestrogens that are actually forcing your body to hold on to stomach fat?

These specific vegetables that I mention below can actually counteract the effects of the xenoestrogens.

There are many classes of vegetables, drinks and spices that have compounds which help ease the effects of xenoestrogens. One of the best classes of foods are cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, kale, cauliflower, brussels sprouts and cabbage.

These cruciferous vegetables contain phytonutrients that help the body fight the effects of the xenoestrogens, and thus helping your body burn pesky abdominal fat more effectively. These phytonutrients bind to the same receptors that xenoestrogens adhere to. If a receptor site is already occupied by a phytonutrient, then the xenoestrogen cannot attach to it.

These cruciferous vegetables are great sources of other nutrients that your body needs to thrive... and now you can add burning belly fat to the list of reasons to eat them! Don't miss out on this easy way to help you accomplish your weight loss and fitness goals.

At, I am going to show you a program that will help you uncover the truth about losing weight, melting away stubborn stomach fat and 16 super-simple tricks for keeping it off for good.

Good luck with your weight loss and fitness goals!

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Foods That Burn Fat Fast - 7 Fat Burning Foods

"Give me a list of foods that burn fat fast" is a very common asked question on different weight loss and diet forums. But is the idea that food can burn fat actually true.

What are fast burning foods?

You know already if we eat more calories than our body can burn we gain weight.

It's true that certain foods will boost your metabolism but only if you eat them as a part of a effective diet and weight loss programme.

Fat burning foods.

Fat burning food #1: Apples:

Do you remember the old saying "An apple a day keeps the doctor away".

Well not only a doctor but also the extra pounds as well.

Apples contain the highest percentage of pectin, this is a soluble fiber.
There was an interesting study in Brazil about weight loss and apples .

2 groups of dieters were getting exactly the same amount of calories but with one exception.

One group was getting an apple before each meal. And this group lost 33% more in weight.

Fat burning food #2: Garlic:

Garlic is one of the most effective fat burning foods.

It contains the compound allicin which has anti bacterial effects and helps reduce cholesterol and unhealthy fats.

Fat burning food #3 Tomatoes:

Tomatoes is very effective to add on your diet. Not only are they good in your battle against overweight but they are also an excellent prevention against cancers and high blood pressure.

Fat burning food #4 Carrots:

Adding a carrot to the beginning of every meal is a very effective way to lose weight. Why do you ask? The carrot leaves no room in the stomach for the dessert.
When using this trick you should been able to lose about a pound in one week.

Fat burning food # 5: Oranges

Oranges are rich in Vitamin C and they have fat burning properties.
Compared with exercises they are an effective way to lose fat.

Fat burning food # 6: Mangoes

Mangoes are full packed with fiber and are low in calories.

Fat burning food #7: Spinach.

Popey gets his strength by eaten spinach and yes they are very healthy. Spinach contains a lot of iron; it is an exceptional nutrition food and is a good prevention against cancer.

Please keep in mind that this list is not completed. A good way to lose fat with eating is food rich in fibres, low calories and food that gives your stomach a feeling of being fulfilled.

I hope you have enjoyed the list of 7 fat burning foods.

When it comes to fat burning burn the fat feed the muscle is the only source you need.
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More intrested in tips to lose weight instead of fat then visit my blog

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Warp Speed Fat Loss - 28 Day Fat Burning Program to Lose Weight

Are you looking for a comprehensive diet and exercise program that you can use to lose as much as 21 pounds in as little as 28 days? Well, that's what you'll be getting in Warp Speed Fat Loss which uses a combination of interval training with a carefully crafted diet to follow during this timeframe.

Program Background

Essentially there are two key people behind this fat loss program. The first is a fitness instructor called Alwyn Cosgrove and the second is a guy called Mike Roussell who specializes in nutrition.

Alwyn Cosgrove is a well known fitness instructor based in California. He also writes and delivers seminars throughout the country about fitness. Alwyn has also authored a number of books on fat loss and lifting.

Mike Roussell is a graduate in Biochemistry and studying towards a doctorate degree in both nutrition and cardiovascular diseases at university. He is also a prolific writer on a number of websites based around nutrition and bodybuilding.

Warp Speed Fat Loss - The Nuts and Bolts of the Program Itself

Let's be clear though, this fat burning program isn't taking any prisoners. It's not going to go easy on you during this time because this is an aggressive plan designed to shed a lot of weight in a relatively short space of time. When I say short, I am talking about less than a month from when you start.

You're not going to be following a program like this long term. It's more for people that want to see results quickly and are willing to commit to a strict exercise routine and diet in order to achieve results.

If you want to lose precious inches around your waist or drop body fat quickly, you will enjoy following a program like this for the visible changes you'll see. This makes it ideal for people planning to lose weight for special occasions such as holidays or weddings, or for those that want to kickstart their weight loss for the first month or so, then switch to a less aggressive diet and exercise program at a later date.

Unlike many programs, you don't just get a manual with Warp Speed Fat Loss, you also get other materials including videos and audio as part of the fat burning program. If discipline isn't a problem and you are willing to commit to this program for 28 days, this could be the program you have been looking for.

Read our FULL unbiased consumer report on Warp Speed Fat Loss including details of exactly what is included in this program and feedback from customers that have already followed this program at =>

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How To Lose Stomach Fat Fast And Easy - 3 Proven Tips

Everyone wants to have flat, toned abs. You can find many people searching online for ways to get rid of their belly fat. Below I provide some tips and exercises which are helpful in this regard. Try to incorporate these tips in your daily life and soon you may start seeing some positive results.

1. Increase protein intake - Protein is required for muscle growth. The bigger muscles you have the more energy you require. By building and preserving lean muscle tissue, proteins help in burning more calories, thus promoting weight loss.

There are 3 types of proteins - lean, medium-fat and high-fat proteins. When you are trying to lose weight, you are better off adding lean protein to your diet. Lean protein contains nearly 30-40 calories per ounce while high-fat protein contains 80 to 100 calories an ounce.

Another huge benefit of proteins is that they keep you feeling full for a longer duration than other foods as they take more time to digest. Your body also burns more calories in order to digest proteins. Eggs, chicken, salmon, turkey, nuts are a few excellent sources of protein.

2. Jogging - The mistake most people make when trying to lose belly fat is they only do exercises which specifically target stomach area. This is not the correct approach. Instead you should combine exercises that are specifically for the abdomen with those exercises which give workout to all muscles of the body. Remember that in order to lose belly fat successfully, you should try to reduce your overall body fat. Jogging is an excellent exercise in this regard.

In a study conducted by 'Journal of Applied Physiology', it was found that people who jog for nearly 20 miles per week tend to lose belly fat while those who jog less than that may not gain further belly fat but they may not lose what they already have. If you are planning to shrink your belly size, you have to aim for doing 20 miles in a week. It works out to 3 miles per day if you jog all 7 days a week. My suggestion is to start small and then slowly increase the number of miles you jog per week. This way you won't overburden yourself. People above 40 may consider taking the advice of a doctor before they begin jogging.

3. Interval Training - Experts recommend interval training as the best and most effective method to burn fat. They recommend doing high-intensity workouts for shorter periods of time instead of low-intensity exercises over a long period. Whether you are running, doing squats or weight training, you can burn a lot more fat by having short bursts of high intensity workout sessions.

There are lots of healthy weight loss tips that you can follow to achieve your ideal weight. To learn more about how to lose weigh fast go to

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