How to Get Ripped Abs in a Month
So, you're wondering how to get ripped abs in a month... Well, it is doable but only if you're ready for a real effort. There is no shortcut to getting a ripped stomach. You need to work for it. In addition, you need to know what you're doing to be sure you're getting quick results and not just wasting your time. This article will help you do that.
To get ripped abs you need to get rid of belly fat. There is no other way.
One of the biggest mistakes people make is that they try to make their stomach muscles stronger and stronger by doing a lot of stomach exercises. This may make your abs stronger but it won't get them ripped, that's for sure.
The reason is that your muscles lie deeper under the skin than your fat. The fat actually covers the muscles so until you burn off enough fat, you will never be ripped.
So, what do you need to do?
Here are some tips:
1. Begin doing intensive strength workouts full of multi-muscle exercises like squats, lunges, push ups, lat pulldowns, chest presses, shoulder swings, and so on. The more muscle groups are involved in the exercise, the better it is for fat burning purposes. In addition, when you build more muscle tissue, you're also boosting your metabolism which helps you burn even more calories and more fat.
2. Although cardio is less effective than total body strength training in order to burn fat, I do advise that you include 2-3 cardio workouts each week. However, in order to get a ripped belly you need to make each of them count. To do that I want you to really push yourself on each and every workout.
Remember, you need to burn the most body fat you can. This won't happen unless you really make a true effort. I recommend doing workouts such as running, rowing, kickboxing, and any workout that really gets you moving with fast movement.
3. In order to make sure that the fat you're burning off doesn't return to your body, you have to make sure you're eating right. You will not get ripped abs in a month or a year or ever for that matter unless your nutrition is top notch.
You need to eliminate all refined flour and sugar from your diet, cut down alcohol, get rid of fried and fast food, and eat more fresh food, fruit, vegetables, lean protein like eggs and chicken breast, and nuts and seeds.
If you do all that, you can expect to lose a lot of belly fat and be ripped in a month.
For more tips on how to lose belly fat visit Get a Flat Belly Fast
For the best cardio workouts visit Cardio Workouts For Ripped Abs
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.
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